The pano12 library was originally created by Helmut Dersch as the core of Panorama Tools. The license is the GNU General Public License (GPL) and full sourcecode is available from the panotools sourceforge site.
pano12 is currently used by many front-end and command-line programs. The file itself may be called pano12.dll,, libpano12.dylib or pano12.lib depending on the operating system.
Due to apparent patent issues with fisheye lenses, some distributed versions of the library (including the one hosted on sourceforge) have an artificial limitation of 160 degrees placed on the maximum Field of View of source images.
Other tools in the pano12 source
If you build pano12 from sourcecode, various helper applications are built at the same time:
- PTOptimizer Optimizes positions and sizes of images using control point data.
- panoinfo reports useful information about the currently installed version of pano12.
- PTmender a replacement for PTStitcher.
- PTblender implements just the colour and brightness correction of PTmender.
- PTtiff2psd Converts a set of TIFF files into a PSD file, similar to Erik Krause's stitching actions.
Downloading pre-compiled versions
The original pano12 library for Linux, Mac classic and Windows can be downloaded from one of the mirrors, though you probably want to download a newer version containing many bugfixes and speed improvements:
For Linux and other unix systems, look at the Hugin download page. Currently packages are available for debian, fedora, gentoo, mandrake and probably others.
For OS X a version is supplied with Hugin or PTMac.
For Windows you might download pano12.dll from Photocreations or sourceforge, you can also find it bundled with PTAssembler and PTGui.