This is a list of all wiki pages ordered by main category. For a complete list go to all pages. You find a short category description and links to sub-categorized lists in the relevant paragraph.
92 pages that explain how to do something.
Tutorials ordered by subcategory (rating), see: Tutorials by rating
Tutorials ordered by usage, see: Tutorials
- HDR compression
- HDR workflow with hugin
- Help:FAQ
- Help:Flash-Tag
- Help:Pano-Tag
- Help:Pano-Tag DevalVR Example
- Help:Pano-Tag PTViewer Example
- Help:Pano-Tag SPi-V Example
- High resolution film transparency digitalization using macro lens and stitching
- Historical:16 bit panorama blending using 8 bit Gimp
- Historical:Create a custom ptviewer jar file
- Historical:Create object movies
- Historical:Dynamic Field of View for Embedded QTVRs
- Historical:Edit zenith and nadir in one go with Adjust filter
- Historical:HTML code for several viewers
- Historical:Have a single ptviewer jar file per website
- Historical:High resolution partial panoramas
- Historical:How to allocate enough RAM for PTEditor
- Historical:How to install actions in Photoshop
- Historical:How to install plug-ins in Photoshop
- Historical:How to use PTEditor
- Historical:Partial Panoramas using ROI in PTViewer
- Historical:Upsampling a single image with ptstitcher
- Historical:Using Autopano-SIFT With PTGui
- Historical:Using enblend to fill the "Hole in the floor"
- How to remove blending error caused by enblend and enfuse at zenith and nadir (automatic)
- How to stitch flat images
- How to use enblend for patching zenith and nadir images
- Hugin Fast Preview window
- Hugin Preview tab
- Hugin Scripting Interface
- Hugin lensdb
- Hugin move drag tab
239 pages that discuss some kind of software.
Software ordered by subcategory (platform), see: Software
- Calibrate lens gui
- Category:Software:Compiling
- Category:Software:Hugin
- Category:Software:Hugin:Compiling
- Category:Software:Other
- Category:Software:Platform
- Category:Software:Platform:Linux
- Category:Software:Platform:Mac OS X
- Category:Software:Platform:Mobile
- Category:Software:Platform:Windows
- Category:Software:Survey
- Celeste standalone
- Checkpto
- Cinepaint
- Clens
- Control Point Detector Parameters
- Control point generators
- ControlPoints
- Cpclean
- Cpfind
- CubicConverter
- CubicNavigator
- HDR Software overview
- HDR and Tonemapping dialogs in detail
- HDR compression
- HDR workflow with hugin
- Historical:16 bit panorama blending using 8 bit Gimp
- Historical:360 Degrees of Freedom
- Historical:Color correct tiff
- Historical:Contrast Blending Actions
- Historical:Contrast Masking Actions
- Historical:Create a custom ptviewer jar file
- Historical:Enblend Front End
- Historical:GSOC 2011 Ideas
- Historical:Hugin's OpenGL preview system overview
- Historical:IBM Hotmedia
- Historical:Imatronics Panorama Express
- Historical:Immervision
- Historical:Java software
- Historical:MakeCubic
- Historical:MatchPoint
- Historical:PanoCube
- Historical:PanoLink
- Historical:PanoSalado
- Historical:PanoWizard
- Historical:Panorama Tools Plugins
- Historical:QTVRAS
- Historical:REALVIZ Stitcher
- Historical:Stitching actions
- Historical:Straight Line UI proposal
- Historical:Suggestion Hugin Preferences Workflow
- Historical:Tlalli
- Historical:VolumePhoto SE
- How to remove blending error caused by enblend and enfuse at zenith and nadir (automatic)
- Hugin
- Hugin Assistant tab
- Hugin Assistant tab old gui
- Hugin Batch Processor
- Hugin Camera and Lens tab
- Hugin Compiling Debian Raspberry
- Hugin Compiling Fedora
- Hugin Compiling Fedora12
- Hugin Compiling FreeBSD
- Hugin Compiling Gentoo
- Hugin Compiling Mandriva
- Hugin Compiling OSX
- Hugin Compiling OpenSuse
- Hugin Compiling Ubuntu
- Hugin Compiling Windows
- Hugin Compiling Windows with SDK
- Hugin Control Points tab
- Hugin Control Points table
- Hugin Crop tab
- Hugin Crop tab old gui
- Hugin Exposure tab
- Hugin Exposure tab old gui
- Hugin FAQ
- Hugin Fast Preview window
- Hugin Images tab
- Hugin Keyboard shortcuts
- Hugin Main window
- Hugin Main window old gui
- Hugin Mask tab
- Hugin Mask tab old gui
- Hugin Optimiser tab
- Hugin Optimizer tab
- Hugin PPA
- Hugin Panorama Editor window
- Hugin Panorama Workflow
- Hugin Parameters for Control Point Detectors dialog
- Hugin Photos tab
- Hugin Preferences
- Hugin Preview tab
- Hugin Preview window
- Hugin Projection tab
- Hugin Raw Import
- Hugin Reset Values window
- Hugin SDK (MSVC 2008)
- Hugin SDK (MSVC 2008) Patches
- Hugin SDK (MSVC 2010)
- Hugin SDK (MSVC 2013)
- Hugin Scripting Interface
- Hugin Speed Test Tab
- Hugin Stitcher tab
- Hugin Trackers
- Hugin darktable Lua Script
- Hugin executor
- Hugin hdrmerge
- Hugin lensdb
- Hugin move drag tab
- Hugin stacker
- Hugin stitch project
- Hugin translation guide
- PFScalibration
- PTAssembler
- PTAverage
- PTCrypt
- PTEditor
- PTInterpolate
- PTLens
- PTMac
- PTOptimizer
- PTPicker
- PTShift
- PTStereo
- PTStitcher
- PTStripe
- PTViewer
- PTViewer L2
- PTblender
- PTmender
- PTtiff2psd
- Pan0
- Pano modify
- Pano12
- Pano2QTVR
- Pano2VR
- PanoPoints
- PanoPreviewer
- PanoTools Anti Aliasing Filter Examples
- Panoglview
- Panoinfo
- Panomatic
- Panorama GIMP plug-in
- Panorama Viewers
- Panorama scripting in a nutshell
- Panorama tools
- Panorama tools applications
- PanoramaStudio
- Panoweaver
- Pfstools
- Photomatix
- Photoshop
- Photoshop limitations
- Plugin detection
- Pto gen
- Pto lensstack
- Pto mask
- Pto merge
- Pto move
- Pto template
- Pto var
- Pto2mk
6 pages that discuss both photographic and non-photographic (f.e. computer) hardware.
145 pages that explain certain terms.
Commented version: Glossary
- PSD and PSB
- PTMorpher
- PTOptimizer
- PTStitcher
- PTViewer
- PTblender
- PTmender
- Pannini
- Pano12
- Pano2QTVR
- PanoTools Anti Aliasing Filters
- Panorama
- Panorama formats
- Panorama tools
- Parallax
- Perspective distortion
- Pfstmo
- Pfstools
- Philopod
- Philosphere
- Photomatix
- Pincushion distortion
- Pitch
- Portrait
- Projections
55 community (f.e Mailing list, Wiki or project) related pages.
- Helmut Dersch
- Historical:GSOC 2010 Makefile Lib Proposal
- Historical:GSOC 2011
- Historical:GSOC 2011 Application
- Historical:GSOC 2011 Student Application
- Historical:Google SoC 2007
- Historical:Interactive Panoramic Viewer
- Historical:MatchPoint
- Historical:SOC 2007 Project Processing of Very Large Images
- Historical:SoC 2007 project New GUI Framework
- Historical:SoC 2008 Feature Matching
- Historical:SoC 2008 Masking in GUI
- Historical:SoC 2008 Project OpenGL Preview
- Historical:SoC 2008 application
- Historical:SoC 2008 ideas
- Historical:SoC 2008 overview
- Historical:SoC 2008 student proposals
- Historical:SoC 2009 idea
- Historical:SoC 2009 project Layout Model
- Historical:SoC 2009 student proposals
- Historical:SoC 2010 ideas
- Historical:SoC 2010 student proposals
- Historical:SoC2007 Supporters
- Historical:SoC2007 application
- Historical:SoC2007 project Anti Ghosting
- Historical:SoC2007 project Batch Processing
- Historical:SoC2007 project Feature Descriptor
- Historical:SoC2007 project Feature Matching
- Historical:SoC2007 project Panotools Architecture
- Historical:SoC2007 projects
- Historical:SoC2009 Application Template
- Historical:SoC2009 Seth Berrier
- Historical:Straight Line UI proposal
- Historical:Summer of Code overview
- Hugin Speed Test Tab
45 informative pages that don't fit in above categories.
- Help
- Help:ChangeLog
- Help:Editing
- Help:FAQ
- Help:Flash-Tag
- Help:Searching
- Historical:Dynamic Field of View for Embedded QTVRs
- Historical:Enblend Front End
- Historical:Imatronics Panorama Express
- Historical:Immervision
- Historical:MakeCubic
- Historical:PanoCube
- Historical:PanoLink
- Historical:PanoWizard
- Historical:Panotools plugins Readme
- Historical:QTVRAS
- Historical:REALVIZ Stitcher
- Historical:Stitching actions
- Historical:Summer of Code overview
- Historical:Tlalli
- Historical:Virtual Tour Architect
- Historical:VolumePhoto SE
408 uncategorized pages.
- A simple approach to HDR-blending
- Account creation process
- Adding Panoramas to Google Earth
- Adding a nadir cap (mirror ball)
- Adding a nadir logo with text
- Aliasing
- Align a stack of photos
- Align image stack
- Aligning
- Alpha channel
- Animating panoramas in Blender
- Articles that need enhancement
- Aspect Ratio
- Autooptimiser
- Autopano
- Autopano pro
- Autopano-sift
- Autopano-sift-C
- Autopano-sift-C Compiling OSX
- Autostitch
- Calibrate lens gui
- Camera response curve
- Celeste standalone
- Checkpto
- ChristmasBallPanoTutor
- Chromatic aberration
- Cinepaint
- Circular cropping values in PTGui
- Clens
- Colour profile
- Common idiot errors
- Contrast
- Contrast Blending
- Contribute
- Control Point Detector Parameters
- Control point generators
- Control points
- ControlPoints
- Cpclean
- Cpfind
- Creating Gores
- Credits
- Crop factor
- Crop parameters
- Cropped TIFF
- Cubic Projection
- CubicConverter
- CubicNavigator
- Cylindrical Projection
- Cylindrical panorama
- EasyPano Tourweaver
- Edge Detection for Control Point creation
- Edit zenith and nadir in one go with PTGui
- Embed QTVR into Powerpoint
- Enable windows file extensions
- Enblend
- Enblend Compiling OSX
- Enblend reference manual
- Enfuse
- Enfuse reference manual
- Entrance Pupil Database
- Equirectangular Panini
- Equirectangular Projection
- Exposure correction
- Extended bracketing control
- Extract and insert rectilinear views
- HDR Software overview
- HDR and Tonemapping dialogs in detail
- HDR compression
- HDR workflow with hugin
- Halo
- Hardware
- Heads
- Helmut Dersch
- Help
- Help:ChangeLog
- Help:Editing
- Help:FAQ
- Help:Flash-Tag
- Help:Pano-Tag
- Help:Pano-Tag DevalVR Example
- Help:Pano-Tag PTViewer Example
- Help:Pano-Tag SPi-V Example
- Help:Searching
- High resolution film transparency digitalization using macro lens and stitching
- Historical:Main Page
- Horizontal control points
- Hotspots
- How stitching works
- How to remove blending error caused by enblend and enfuse at zenith and nadir (automatic)
- How to stitch flat images
- How to use enblend for patching zenith and nadir images
- Hugin
- Hugin Assistant tab
- Hugin Assistant tab old gui
- Hugin Batch Processor
- Hugin Camera and Lens tab
- Hugin Compiling Debian Raspberry
- Hugin Compiling Fedora
- Hugin Compiling Fedora12
- Hugin Compiling FreeBSD
- Hugin Compiling Gentoo
- Hugin Compiling Mandriva
- Hugin Compiling OSX
- Hugin Compiling OpenSuse
- Hugin Compiling Ubuntu
- Hugin Compiling Windows
- Hugin Compiling Windows with SDK
- Hugin Control Points tab
- Hugin Control Points table
- Hugin Crop tab
- Hugin Crop tab old gui
- Hugin Exposure tab
- Hugin Exposure tab old gui
- Hugin FAQ
- Hugin Fast Preview window
- Hugin Images tab
- Hugin Keyboard shortcuts
- Hugin Main window
- Hugin Main window old gui
- Hugin Mask tab
- Hugin Mask tab old gui
- Hugin Optimiser tab
- Hugin Optimizer tab
- Hugin PPA
- Hugin Panorama Editor window
- Hugin Panorama Workflow
- Hugin Parameters for Control Point Detectors dialog
- Hugin Photos tab
- Hugin Preferences
- Hugin Preview tab
- Hugin Preview window
- Hugin Projection tab
- Hugin Raw Import
- Hugin Reset Values window
- Hugin SDK (MSVC 2008)
- Hugin SDK (MSVC 2008) Patches
- Hugin SDK (MSVC 2010)
- Hugin SDK (MSVC 2013)
- Hugin Scripting Interface
- Hugin Speed Test Tab
- Hugin Stitcher tab
- Hugin Trackers
- Hugin darktable Lua Script
- Hugin executor
- Hugin hdrmerge
- Hugin lensdb
- Hugin move drag tab
- Hugin stacker
- Hugin stitch project
- Hugin translation guide
- Hyperfocal distance
- PFScalibration
- PSD and PSB
- PTAssembler
- PTAverage
- PTCrypt
- PTEditor
- PTInterpolate
- PTLens
- PTMac
- PTMorpher
- PTOptimizer
- PTPicker
- PTShift
- PTStereo
- PTStitcher
- PTStitcher Readme
- PTStripe
- PTViewer
- PTViewer L2
- PTblender
- PTmender
- PTtiff2psd
- Pan0
- Panini
- Pannini
- Pano modify
- Pano12
- Pano2QTVR
- Pano2VR
- PanoPoints
- PanoPreviewer
- PanoTools Anti Aliasing Filter Examples
- PanoTools Anti Aliasing Filters
- PanoTools:About
- PanoTools:Book sources
- PanoTools:General disclaimer
- PanoTools:History
- PanoTools:Main page
- PanoToolsNG
- Panoglview
- Panoinfo
- Panomatic
- Panorama
- Panorama GIMP plug-in
- Panorama Viewers
- Panorama formats
- Panorama scripting in a nutshell
- Panorama tools
- Panorama tools applications
- PanoramaStudio
- Panotools Meeting
- Panotools internals
- Panoweaver
- Parallax
- Perspective correction
- Perspective distortion
- Pfstmo
- Pfstools
- Philopod
- Philopod pitch variation
- Philosphere
- Photography Guidelines
- Photomatix
- Photoshop
- Photoshop limitations
- Pincushion distortion
- Pitch
- Plugin detection
- Portrait
- Printing panoramas
- Projections
- Pto gen
- Pto lensstack
- Pto mask
- Pto merge
- Pto move
- Pto template
- Pto var
- Pto2mk