Luminance HDR

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Revision as of 16:50, 27 August 2011 by Zarl (talk | contribs) (updated)
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Luminance HDR (originally named Qtpfsgui prior to version 2.0.0) is an open source graphical user interface for Pfstools that aims to provide a workflow for HDR imaging.

Supported HDR formats are:

  • OpenEXR (*.exr)
  • Radiance RGBE (*.hdr)
  • TIFF formats: 16 bit, 32 bit (float) and LogLuv (*.tiff)
  • RAW image formats (with various extensions)
  • PFS native format (*.pfs)

Supported low dynamic range formats are JPEG, PNG, PPM, PBM and 8 bit TIFF.

Luminance HDR can be used for:

  • HDR file creation from a set of either JPEG, 8 and 16 bit TIFF or RAW images from the same scene taken at different exposure settings.
  • Loading, rotation, resizing, tonemapping and saving of HDR images.
  • Copying exif data between sets of images.

Compiling from sources

ubuntu Linux


# sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev libexiv2-dev fftw3-dev openexr pkg-config build-essential libtiff-dev libopenexr-dev subversion libgsl0-dev

Get the source, either the last release

# wget luminance-2.0-SVN691.tar.gz
# tar zxvf luminance-2.0-SVN691.tar.gz
# cd luminance-2.0-SVN691/

or the bleeding edge from the subversion repository (tested at revision 181)

# svn co qtpfsgui
# cd qtpfsgui/trunk/qtpfsgui


# qmake-qt4
# make
# sudo checkinstall



# /usr/bin/qmake
# make
# make install

External links

Official website: