The PanotoolsNG mailing list, the place to discuss PanoTools, panoramic imaging, and related technologies and techniques. If you're looking for information about Panorama Tools, front-ends such as PTGui, PTMac, hugin or PTAssembler, or companion apps such as Pano2VR, enfuse or enblend, this is a great first stop. Come on in and join us! The archive of the previous mailing list (proj-imim, Panotools and PanotoolsNG) can be found on Mails from this list are added to the archive automatically.
Please note that the usage of the PanoTools NG list - either as a member or a non-member - is subject to the User Guidelines. Please read carefully
You are welcome to join the list. To do so, go to and select "+ Apply For Membership In This Group".
The traffic volume of PanoToolsNG is pretty low lately. There are several ways to read the list. Note that you must be a member in order to write to the list, no matter which way to read you use.
You can choose to receive individual messages or a daily digest as E-mail in various formats.
- There are a couple of approved Message Archives, some containing the predecessors of PanoToolsNG, too.
- There is a nice customizable interface (including threaded view) on Nabble with read and write access.