Hugin Compiling Windows

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NOTE: this is work in progress and not finished yet. Please add clarifications or comments for the individual steps.

Why do I want to compile hugin?

If you want to fiddle with the hugin code, test new features or help squashing bugs, and do all that on Windows, this is the guide for you. Be warned that building hugin on Windows is not a piece of cake, so only try if you know the dark sides with all the development tools involved.

For normal testers it is better to use the binary snapshots we will offer during the preparation period for hugin 0.7. This guide is designed to be a help for people who have expressed interest in build Windows version of the current hugin code on a regular basis.

This guide will describe two ways of building the latest trunk. It does not apply to the hugin code prior to 2007/10/27.

Deciding on the toolchain

Currently, there are two methods for building hugin. Both are based on the CMake build system.

1. Compilation with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. MSVC 2003 or later is required. The free express edition will probably also work, but is probably even harder to setup.

2. Compilation with MinGW32. This does not require the Microsoft compiler and even allows cross compilation of binaries for windows on a linux machine. Until now, only the cross compilation approach has been tried, but a building on a native system should also be possible.

For both approaches, the hardest task is the compilation of the libraries required by hugin. This mainly includes wxWidgets, boost, libpano13 and OpenEXR.

Building with Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003 (or later)

For simpler installation I have build everything against the older, multithreaded runtime libraries (\MT option).

Getting the dependencies

It is tempting to download precompiled libraries from the different projects, and use those. Be prepared that they might have been created with different compiler setting (Especially with a different runtime libraries). This can lead to hard to find and nasty problems and amount to days of depressing work (I speak from experience).

Downloading precompiled dependencies

Easy way, download the libraries I (Pablo d'Angelo) have used. They have been used for the creation of most hugin releases and should work reliably, even if they are not the latest versions. They can soon be downloaded from I'm currently cleaning up the packages, please be patient. I have uses MSVC 2003 to create these, the might not work on other compilers. I'm sure at least boost will only work with the compiler it has been build with.

Build all required dependencies from scratch

Download the source packages. Newer versions might work, too.

1. Download wxWidgets from, I used 2.6.1, but later version should work, too

2. Download boost from, I used 1.33

3. Download OpenEXR source (IlmBase and OpenEXR) from

4. Download panorama tools source (pano13), from Use version 2.9.12 or later. Latest SVN is even better.

5. Download and install gettext installer package from

Unpack the source packages.

Building wxWidgets

1. Open libs/wxWidgets/src/tiff/tiffconf.h in your favorite editor, and add

  #define ZIP_SUPPORT

near line 90 to support ZIP compressed tiff files. This might not be needed in newer version of wxWidgets.

2. build wxWidgets: start the MSVC command line shell (from the startmenu) and cd to the wxWidgets/build/msw. To build Unicode debug release libraries, execute the following commands:

 cd wxWidgets*/build/msw
 nmake -f BUILD=debug UNICODE=0 SHARED=0 RUNTIME_LIBS=static
 nmake -f BUILD=release UNICODE=1 SHARED=0 RUNTIME_LIBS=static

Building boost

Refer to the boost documentation for details. Here is a short overview: Download bjam exectable from and place it in the boost directory. Open the MSVC Command line prompt and change directory to the boost dir and issue

  bjam stage

This will build all boost library, and take several hours. Hugin only needs the boost thread library, if possible try to build only that one.

Building OpenEXR

This is a tricky one, because the MSVC project files have been set up for DLL builds with the \MD runtime, and a custom program is used to prepare the DLLs. For the all static windows binaries, quite some changes to the MSVC project files are needed.

Build according to README_win in ilmbase-1.0.0 but changed the runtime of all projects to MT.

For all projects do:

  • set each project to static lib
  • remove OPENEXR_DLL, _USEDLL and *_EXPORTS defines
  • set runtime to MT
  • disable SSE2, to generate binaries that run on all platforms
  • remove the createDLL part of the post-build command, but keep the call to install*.cmd, such as ..\..\..\installIlmImf.cmd $(IntDir)

Apply the same procedure to the openexr-1.6 source code. Here only the IlmImf and IlmImfTest projects are needed by Hugin. Follow the same process as for IlmBase, but additionally add include path for the zlib library (inside the wxWidget/src/zlib) to the IlmImf project, and wxWidget/libs/_vc/wxzlib.lib to the IlmImfTest linker options. The tests should run without errors.

Building Panotools

Building Pano13 with MSVC is described on a separate page.

Compiling Hugin

Use SVN to retrieve the latest hugin sourcecode, run CMakeSetup and use this procedure:

  1. Run cmake, select hugin source and build directories, tick the show advanced button. Do not choose the same directories for both source and build.
  2. Press 'Configure
  3. fill out red fields, select appropriate library and include paths, if required. The msgfmt program can be found in the gettext package installed earlier. zlib, jpeg, png and tiff libraries from the wxWidgets build can be reused. Their includes are in wxWidgets/src/(zlib|jpeg|png|tiff), and the libs are in wxWidgets/lib/vclib/wx*.lib
  4. Press Configure
  5. If more warnings and red lines appear, goto 3.
  6. Adjust some compiler settings in the CMAKE_C*_FLAGS entries.
    • Change C and CXX runtime libraries from \MD to \MT.
    • Reduce debug level from \Zl to \Zd (otherwise the debug files become bigger than MSVC can handle).

Once all fields have been filled out, the "Ok" button should be available. Press it and open the generated hugin.sln file with MSVC. Switch to Build Type to Release and start the build. After quite some time hugin should be build. In order to run hugin, it needs to be installed so that data files are in the right place. This is done by building the INSTALL project. The binaries and all required files will be installed to CMAKE_HUGIN_PREFIX. By default this is the "Program Files" folder of your windows machine.

Building using MinGW

I have managed to build the older, pre GSoC 2007 version with MinGW, but still having some problems with the new trunk. Once these are resolved, I will provide instructions

--pablo 10:32, 28 October 2007 (CET)