Hugin Assistant tab

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Revision as of 00:30, 28 February 2008 by Bruno (talk | contribs) (Note default rectilinear lens)
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The hugin assistant automates nearly everything needed to create a panorama, just follow these three steps:

1. Load images...

Click on the Load images... button to select the photos you want to use in your panorama. This tries to identify the field of view of your photos by looking at information stored by the camera itself. If this isn't possible them you need to enter the field of view manually, or let hugin calculate it from the Focal Length and Focal length multiplier.

If you are unsure of the Lens type just accept the default Normal (rectilinear).

2. Align...

Click on Align... to use an automatic tool such as autopano-sift to match images, then use the internal hugin optimiser to align them, correct exposure and white balance. The result will appear in the hugin Preview window, if this looks good then click the next Create panorama... button. Otherwise you will need to make some changes to the project in the tabs of the hugin Main window.

3. Create panorama...

Finally, use Create panorama... to stitch the panorama to an image file with standard quality settings.