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fulla is a command-line tool distributed with hugin 0.6 and later. It is suitable for batch correction of:

  • Vignetting: polynomial correction by division, addition or flatfield images. hugin contains a vignetting calculator that can use a series of overlapping photographs to determine the likely polynomial required to correct common vignetting problems.

fulla can work with the same range of image types as nona, including 8bit and 16bit TIFF and 32bit floating-point HDR TIFF data.

Command-line usage

 Usage: fulla [options] inputfile(s)
   options are:
    -g a:b:c:d       Radial distortion coefficient for all channels, (a, b, c, d)
    -b a:b:c:d       Radial distortion coefficents for blue channel, (a, b, c, d)
                      this is applied on top of the -g distortion coefficients, use for TCA corr
    -r a:b:c:d       Radial distortion coefficents for red channel, (a, b, c, d)
                      this is applied on top of the -g distortion coefficients, use for TCA corr
    -f filename      Vignetting correction by flatfield division
                      I = I / c,    c = flatfield / mean(flatfield)
    -c a:b:c:d       radial vignetting correction by division:
                      I = I / c,    c = a + b*r2 + c*r4 + d*r6
    -a               Correct vignetting by addition, rather than by division
                      I = I + c
    -p               Try to read radial distortion coefficients (-g) from PTLens database
    -m Canon         Camera manufacturer, for PTLens database query
    -n Camera        Camera name, for PTLens database query
    -l Lens          Lens name, for PTLens database query
                      if not specified, a list of possible lenses is displayed
    -d 50            specify focal length in mm, for PTLens database query
    -t n             Number of threads that should be used during processing
    -h               Display help (this text)
    -o name          set output filename. If more than one image is given,
                      the name will be uses as suffix (default suffix: _corr)
    -v               Verbose

Windows batch usage

Once you have calculated fulla parameters as described above, you can create a custom droplet for batch correcting photos like so:

  • Create a Shortcut to fulla.exe by dragging the fulla icon to another directory in Windows explorer
  • Edit properties
  • Change the target to include your correction parameters:
 "C:\Program Files\hugin\fulla.exe" -r 0:0:0.00056:1.00015 -b 0:0:-0.00026:1.0011 -c 1:0.20:-0.51:0.2
  • Rename the shortcut to something descriptive like fulla-peleng
  • Now you can correct photos by dragging and dropping them onto the icon

Expanding on the above example is to create a batchfile in the hugin directory called "fulla.bat" containing the line:

FOR %%I IN (%1) DO C:\Program Files\hugin\fulla.exe -p -v -l Standard %%1

Assuming the name of the lens in the PTLens Database (see below) is "Standard" (as most are). Now, upon calling from any directory containing pics you can run "C:\Program Files\hugin\fulla.bat *.jpg" having fulla correcting all pics using the parameters retrieved from the PTLens Database mentioned below (don't forget to SET PTLENS_PROFILE)

PTLens database lookup

fulla will look-up your camera in a PTLens database and try to automatically determine Lens correction parameters for your pictures. An older free version of the database is required which can be downloaded from sourceforge.

Use the PTLENS_PROFILE environment variable to specify the location of the PTLens database, for example on Linux or OS X:


On Windows something like this (untested) should work:

 set PTLENS_PROFILE=%HOMEPATH%\PTLens\profile.txt